Added Audio

Hello! A couple weeks ago for class, we decided to add a few audio files that 
We used an audio plugin/software called BFXR to make 5 sounds that we believed interpreted what our game should sound like and  recorded our own in person sounds as well!

"opening the door"        

  • used a real life audio that would play to simulate a door opening once the in-game door disappeared! 

"the door is locked"        

  • this is a quick sharp click/thud that to me expresses that the door is locked and needs a way of entering. this was recorded using my bathroom door lock.

"picking up the key"        

  • quick trippy noise that goes up and pitch that to me simulates getting a new item in your inventory, I believe this could be used for picking up a lot of objects not just that of a key


  • chimey noise that almost sounds like a bell to signify that progress has been saved, allowing the player to feel reassured they won't lose progress.

"you died"

  • scratchy noise that lowers in pitch as the audio plays, this I believe fits the best out of all the sounds next to the falling platforms

"moving platform"

  • disturbing humming sound that plays while the platform is moving allowing the players to know that this is a moving platform, somewhat obnoxious though but I believe it gets the job done

"falling platform"

  • almost mechanical sound that to me sounds like there is almost a malfunction or cut off of energy within the boxes that make me feel as though there is something at play with how these platforms work

Files 79 kB
80 days ago

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